New Post Footer options in version of my Related Posts Plugin

Now you can include Related Post Links at the bottom of every post. Just go to the new Setting page in your WordPress Admin after upgrading to the new version of Eli’s Related Posts Plugin. I also created a Screenshot of the plugin “in action” as suggested by WordPress user  brasofilobrasofilo.

One Month Anniversary of My WordPress Related Posts Widget

Well, my Related Posts Widget has been on the WordPress Repository for exactly one month. I have had over 1,400 downloads and absolutely no feedback (other that what I have actively solicited from friends). So, leave a comment, question, or a request for enhancements or feature here.

Update of My TERRIBL Plugin

A week or so ago I started noticing some “sketchy” sites popping up on my TERRIBL Widget. When I checked them out I found no links to my site at all. After looking at my reports and log files and doing some experiments of my own, I figured out that most of these entries were coming from proxies, Perl scripts, and CURL calls and were completely bogus. So I started working on a way to automatically detect and block these and other invalid Referer’s from showing up on the sidebar widget. What I came up with was to do a callback to their site using the file_get_contents() function and scan their page for a link to the page in question. Then, only if the link was verified would the Referer be approved and added to the widget. After some testing on a few different sites using multiple methods for invoking these entries I felt satisfied that my new filtering technique was ready. So download this new version and let me know how it works for you!

New! version of My TERRIBL Plugin Just Released

I just released a new vertion of my TERRIBL WordPress Plugin today. Thanks to a tip from “Futureproject” at I was able to track down I and eliminate a bug that caused the whole site to load lowly after installing my TERRIBL Plugin.

I also add a few handy things to the Admin page like a field to change the default path to your site when sharing you link. And thanks to Anthony at I discovered a need to block certain sites from showing up on the Widget, which is now possible in the new version. You can also manually add a site to be displayed on the Widget, which is helpful for getting started after your firs install when you haven’t gotten any In-Bound Link yet.

As always, if you like my plugins, don’t forget to rate them with 5 Stars at:

If you don’t like my plugins, just quietly let me know and I’ll see what I can do ;-)

Fixed lots of bugs in my TERRIBL Widget

Oooops…  So maybe I released this first version too quickly. There were quite a few bugs in my TERRIBL Widget that resulted in the links being empty (I guess it really was a Terrible Widget ;-). I just released version that fixes all these bugs but not before 30 people downloaded the broken one (I hope they upgrade to the fixed version).

Please leave a comment on this blog if you have any feedback or suggestions. I am now working on a built-in Feedback form which I hope to release in later revisions of all my plugins.

Added My TERRIBL Widget to the WordPress Repository

I added my new TERRIBL Widget to the WordPress Repository yesterday and it was accepted today. It’s a simple plugin that tracks every HTTP_REFERER to your site so that you can see where your traffic is coming from.

There is also a Widget included that will display a list of in-bound links. This is a maintenance-free way for you to link back to those sites that already link to you. It sure make link trading easy!

New Menu Links in the WordPress Admin.

WordPress Admin Menu

RelatedPosts on WordPress Admin Menu

I added a menu to the WordPress Admin with a few helpful link for those users that don’t take the time to read instructions before installing and then hunt around for a way to use what they just installed (Anthony). I am now using some new CSS tricks that I just learned from a friend (Anthony again) the other day to style the admin pages for my next release.

I got over 100 downloads just yesterday and now have over 400! It seems like I get a  lot more downloads when ever I release an update, as though everyone who has already downloaded it is then downloading the update. I think I’ll release this last update ( and then take a break for a little while.

Added “Relate by Category” to Widget options

Widget Screenshot

New Screenshot of Widget

By request I have added the option of relating post by Categories as an alternative to Tags. And I changed the name again. The plugin is now called “A Related Posts Widget – ELI”. I stuck my name in there at the end so that people who know me and want my plugin would have a way to tell the one I wrote from all the others. I also added a screenshot to the plugin download page via the readme file.

F.Y.I. – Now more than 200 downloads!

Over 100 Downloads

A friend of mine installed this plugin yesterday and found that there was a conflict with some PHP code in another widget he already had installed. After taking a look at the other code I noticed that the function query_posts changes what posts I would expect to see returned by the have_posts function. So I added the wp_reset_query function to the start of my code so that my widget wouldn’t gab the wrong posts. Then I added it again at the end so I wouldn’t trip up any other plugin developers in the same way.

We got a record 51 download yesterday alone and now have over 100 in all, which is surprising for me since it’s only been available for three days and I have not even promoted it.

I’m thinking of changing the name again and dropping the whole acronym thing all-together (nobody seems to like it). But I still want the plugin name to stand out in some way. Any feedback would be appreciated and don’t forget to rate my plugin on the WordPress Plugins Page