New Post Footer options in version of my Related Posts Plugin

Now you can include Related Post Links at the bottom of every post. Just go to the new Setting page in your WordPress Admin after upgrading to the new version of Eli’s Related Posts Plugin. I also created a Screenshot of the plugin “in action” as suggested by WordPress userĀ  brasofilobrasofilo.

2 thoughts on “New Post Footer options in version of my Related Posts Plugin

  1. I prefer your plugin for displaying related posts due to the unique ability to display the title with a formatted date. So, thanks! However, when using the post-footer display option, it appears that it’s not possible to keep the display of recents on the single page only. It shows up on post lists (category, tag, search, etc) despite the available settings, though admittedly somewhat randomly. (And yes or no on single page display doesn’t seem to affect anything anyway.) Any possibility you could fix this issue?? Thanks!

    • The setting for Single Page will not have the effect you are looking for. It is only for allowing the Related Post links to show on “Pages” or just on “Posts”. If you can edit my plugin I think you could get it to do what you want.

      This is the line 344 to 348 which I ask you to insert ” && !is_category() ” on line 347 like this:

      function SPOSTARBUST_related_links_on_posts($the_content) {
      global $post, $SPOSTARBUST_plugin_dir, $SPOSTARBUST_POP, $SPOSTARBUST_post_count, $_eli_debug_microtime;
      $_eli_debug_microtime['SPOSTARBUST_related_links_on_posts_start'] = microtime(true);
      if (!isset($_eli_debug_microtime['SPOSTARBUST_init_skip']) && !is_category()) {

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