I added a whole new SHAREABLE Widget to my old TERRIBL Plugin. Now it’s even easier to share a link to your site. Check out my Shareable Link at the top of the left sidebar.

This new SHAREABLE Widget features customizable styles and easy-to-copy link code that others can put on there site. It also tracks Impressions and Click Through stats just like the the old TERRIBL Widget.

Check it out and lit me know how you like it. I’m always open to new ideas.

Aloha, Eli

ELI's SHAREABLE Widget and In-Bound Link Tracking – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

A simple Widget to list choice comments as Testimonials

I wrote this little Widget for my Anti-Malware Pligins’ site, GOTMLS.NET. I get so many wonderful testimonials via comments from my … and I wanted to display some of my favorites in the sidebar. I’ve release this little Testimonials Widget on the WordPress Repository because I didn’t see any other plugin that did this simple task.

Just set the Comment Karma on your favorite comments then set the Karma value in the Widget settings to match. Otherwise this plugin just queries all the comments with the default Karma of 0.

I plan on adding a few more features when I have time but the idea here is to keep it simple: Display some rotating comments as Testimonials.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

EZ Anti-Spam Comments and Testimonials Widget – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

Happy Birthday Blog

This Blog is one year old today. Now I can use the SMALY Widget that I wrote for the SHH Blog on this Blog. You can see links to my one-year-old posts on the sidebar under “THIS TIME LAST YEAR”.

This Time Last Year Widget – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

Added Google adSense Analytics to the dashboard

I just release version of my adSense Widget with a huge new feature. You can now view your adSense Analytics right on the dashboard. I integrated OAuth2 into the Dashboard Widget so you can securely generate graphs of your adSense statistics.

Eli's WordCents adSense Widget with Analytics – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

A New WordPress Widget for SHH Blog

I just created a small Widget for the SHH Blog that runs a simple query to find posts posted around the same time last year.

This Time Last Year Widget – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

Monetize your blog with my WordCents adSense Widget

This is a simple widget that makes it easy to monetize your site with Google adSense.

Eli's WordCents adSense Widget with Analytics – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

New “Tree View” options for the Widget

I added “Tree View” to the Widget options with the ability to show the Widget on pages with multiple Posts. This new option displays links to related post under a subheading for the Tag or Category that it is related by. It also features a multi layered loop that dynamically removed duplicate Post Links and auto balances the remaining link so the Widget shows a relatively equal amount of Post Links under each Tag or Category. So, download version and use the Widget on pages that have multiple Posts.

ELI's Related Posts Footer Links and Widget – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

One Month Anniversary of My WordPress Related Posts Widget

Well, my Related Posts Widget has been on the WordPress Repository for exactly one month. I have had over 1,400 downloads and absolutely no feedback (other that what I have actively solicited from friends). So, leave a comment, question, or a request for enhancements or feature here.

ELI's Related Posts Footer Links and Widget – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

Update of My TERRIBL Plugin

A week or so ago I started noticing some “sketchy” sites popping up on my TERRIBL Widget. When I checked them out I found no links to my site at all. After looking at my reports and log files and doing some experiments of my own, I figured out that most of these entries were coming from proxies, Perl scripts, and CURL calls and were completely bogus. So I started working on a way to automatically detect and block these and other invalid Referer’s from showing up on the sidebar widget. What I came up with was to do a callback to their site using the file_get_contents() function and scan their page for a link to the page in question. Then, only if the link was verified would the Referer be approved and added to the widget. After some testing on a few different sites using multiple methods for invoking these entries I felt satisfied that my new filtering technique was ready. So download this new version and let me know how it works for you!

ELI's SHAREABLE Widget and In-Bound Link Tracking – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

New! version of My TERRIBL Plugin Just Released

I just released a new vertion of my TERRIBL WordPress Plugin today. Thanks to a tip from “Futureproject” at silvercyborg.com I was able to track down I and eliminate a bug that caused the whole site to load lowly after installing my TERRIBL Plugin.

I also add a few handy things to the Admin page like a field to change the default path to your site when sharing you link. And thanks to Anthony at securehostinghawaii.com I discovered a need to block certain sites from showing up on the Widget, which is now possible in the new version. You can also manually add a site to be displayed on the Widget, which is helpful for getting started after your firs install when you haven’t gotten any In-Bound Link yet.

As always, if you like my plugins, don’t forget to rate them with 5 Stars at: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/profile/scheeeli

If you don’t like my plugins, just quietly let me know and I’ll see what I can do ;-)

ELI's SHAREABLE Widget and In-Bound Link Tracking – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org