Spanish translation added in last release

Thanks to Andrew Kurtis of my plugin has now been translated into Spanish of by Jelena Kovacevic. The new language files were tested and packaged in the last release. Now, if you have WPLANG defined as ‘es_ES’ in your wp-config.php file then the Anti-Malware Settings and Scan pages will be output en Español :-)

I’m also thinking of creating a facebook page for my plugin to get more feedback and collaboration form my users. Have some big ideas I would like share and get some help with to move this plugin forward. Leave a comment here and let me know what you think. Would you follow me on facebook? comment, Yes or No.

Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall – WordPress plugin |

6 thoughts on “Spanish translation added in last release

  1. Hello Eli, I want to congratulate the pluigin, which is undoubtedly the best. And I would like to offer you some help in the translation into English of Brazil EN, if you need.
    Thank you!

  2. Hello!

    Great job creating the plug in, that is fantastic! Translating can be time consuming, but it is very important; especially when it comes to Spanish/English since so many people walk that language barrier line. Thanks for the great work, keep it up!


  3. Hi Eli

    Really great stuff. I want donate for the work but also for deh auto-update. But i have 4 Pages. I have to donate for every page ore once for all of them?

    rgds Urs

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