Added automated database backups to my SQL plugin

I just released a major update for my SQL Reports plugin. The new version, 3.06.14, has a lot of exciting new features like automatic scheduled backups of your database, and the ability to save archives of your DB and have them emailed to you. You can also retore these backups directly into your native WP DB or to an external database. The plugin uses the WordPress CRON API to schedule hourly and/or daily DB backups.

I also added a quick and easy shortcode for displaying a single variable from an SQL query. Just wrap your SQL query in the sqlgetvar short code like this:
This SQL Query has not been allowed by an Administrator.

Have fun with these new features and let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions for improvements.

15 thoughts on “Added automated database backups to my SQL plugin

  1. Hiya, sorry haven’t quite caught your name yet. Just wanted to inform you that your shareable link isnt working or updating correctly in google’s analytics… I eat my own words just refreshed the page, Everything seems to be working accordingly. Just wanted to say thank you for linking in. I think im still kinda of new to the whole idea but am learning quite quickly. Have a good one

    “the scribe” JJE
    have a wonderful respected day/night

  2. Hi, Eli.

    Love the SQL reports plugin…nice and simple!
    I do have a question. How would I create a report with working links?
    for example…if I query the userid and username and want to make the username clickable to go to its userprofile.
    Probably would need to do a check which report is requested and modify the actual output for that specific report. But how?

    Keep up the nice work.
    Kind regards,

    • Thanks!

      Here is an example of a query that would produce a link (the exact link may not be right but you get the idea :-)

      SELECT CONCAT('<a href="/user/',ID,'" rel="nofollow">', user_nicename,'</a>') AS ProfileLink, display_name FROM `wp_users`

  3. Hi Eli,

    I know this is an unrelated post, but I searched for a contact form on your website and also tried to create a new thread in the wordpress forums, but both were unsuccessful.

    First and foremost, I want to say how grateful I am for your plugin, it is the only software out there that’s useful for these sorts of things and you put it out for free.

    I have a fairly serious problem with my site at the moment and I seem to remember reading a while back that you’re happy to take admin details and have a look at problems directly (I am a proud donator and would happily donate again).

    I would really appreciate any help you can provide with this as my blog is very, very ill at the moment!

    Thanks Eli,


  4. Eli, can you point me to a code snippet that I can integrate into the sql of my reports to point the output to Excel, CSV or Text rather than painting the screen, or in addition to painting the screen? I have not been able to find a way to do this from the report sql.

  5. With the most recent version, sub-selects are no longer working. I’m passing through results view directly into print_r array.

    for example (note that I have this installed –
    select CONCAT(““,Item,”“) as Item, NumBids from (select p.ID as ID,p.post_title as Item,count( as NumBids from wp_ps101_posts p, wp_ps101_wdm_bidders b where p.ID = b.auction_id group by p.ID order by NumBids desc) as bid_count LIMIT 3

    but regardless .. the sub-select fails to return results. It’s like your parsed the SQL based on the word SELECT and failed to consider sub-selects.

    Thanks, JPF

    • Sub-queries work fine for me in the latest version. I’m not parsing on the work select either.

      Your query is unfamiliar to me but I would think you should have things in a different order. I usually use sub-queries before the “from” or after the “where”. Also, I don’t see how you are expecting that sub-query to return multiple fields.

      Have you tried running that whole query in PhpMyAdmin?

  6. I’ve installed your SQL Reports plugin and all works as expected. I have embedded my report into a page and that works great. What I am trying to figure out is how to resize the columns. I am not seeing where or how to do this. Any help you could offer is appreciated!

    • You can use CSS to size the columns. I would need to see an example page of the report you have and a better description of what you would like it to look like in order to help you further.

  7. Eli, I use your great plugin extensively in our website but I cannot figure out how to do any date arithmetic. None of the usual SQL date arithmetic commands work. Can you help? I want to subtract one date field from another date field and express the result as the number of days difference between the two dates.

  8. Hello,
    at the moment no queries works like :
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_users

    Result is everytime :
    Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘This SQL Query has not been allowed by an Administrator.’ at line 1

    All Queries I tested before in phpmyadmin. No problems.

    What can I do?

    • I addressed this on the WordPress Forums after the latest release in which I added this new security measure.

      So now you have to copy the SQL in those sqlgetvar calls that you want to approve and you can then paste that SQL into a new report and save the report so that only the sqlgetvar calls that you have stored as reports will work.

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