Changed “Stop SOPA Widget” to “Defend Privacy Widget”

I changed this Widget to help spread the word and stop CISPA, the internet government surveillance system, before it becomes US law. This new form has your Senators’ phone numbers and an email form to let them know how you feel about this issue.

Defend Internet Privacy Widget – WordPress plugin |

Sign to make sure SOPA 2.0 never gets written

I signed this petition on and still thought “What else can I do?”. So I created a widget for WordPress to put on my blog so that visitor to my site could sign the petition too. Now you can join the fight against SOPA by signing this internet petition right here on my site (at the bottom of the page). Plus, if you have a WordPress site, you too can install this petition widget from

Help me spread the word and crush internet censorship legislation in America!

Defend Internet Privacy Widget – WordPress plugin |

Help Stop SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act)

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

Some thoughts by Jane Wells, UX lead for WordPress:

  • In the U.S. our legal system maintains that the burden of proof is on the accuser, and that people are innocent until proven guilty. This tenet seems to be on the chopping block when it comes to the web if these bills pass, as companies could shut down sites based on accusation alone.
  • Laws are not like lines of PHP; they are not easily reverted if someone wakes up and realizes there is a better way to do things. We should not be so quick to codify something this far-reaching.
  • The people writing these laws are not the people writing the independent web, and they are not out to protect it. We have to stand up for it ourselves.

Go to Stop American Censorship for more information and a bunch of ways you can take action quickly, easily, and painlessly. The Senate votes in less than two weeks, and we need to help at least 41 more senators see reason before then. Please. Make your voice heard.