3 thoughts on “New plugin – EZ Google Analytics

  1. Hi,
    My name is Borisa Djuraskovic. I am associated with Web Hosting Hub community team.
    I found your EZ Google Analytics plugin at https://wordpress.ieonly.com/new-plugin-ez-google-analytics/ very interesting. I would like to translate it to my native Serbo-Croatian language and help people from my community find your plugin useful too. But you would need to create the translatable .pot file first in order for me to proceed. Please let me know if you are willing to do that so I can translate it.

    Borisa Djuraskovic

    • Thanks for your .po file with the translation into Serbo-Croatian. I have released a new version with your language files installed. Please not this is only the beginning of this simple little plugin. I made it to fulfill my own need to easily add my analytics code to all my WordPress sites without all the overhead of those other analytics plugins. However, I do plan on including more features in the future and I hope you would be willing to keep up with the translation of any phrases I might add later on.

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