Added Google adSense Analytics to the dashboard

I just release version of my adSense Widget with a huge new feature. You can now view your adSense Analytics right on the dashboard. I integrated OAuth2 into the Dashboard Widget so you can securely generate graphs of your adSense statistics.

Eli's WordCents adSense Widget with Analytics – WordPress plugin |

Shortcode Support Added to SQL Reports

I added a shortcode to my SQL Reports Plugin so you can put a report you’ve created into a Page or Post. Just use the shortcode “SQLREPORT” with the attribute “name” being the name or your desired report. Like this:
[SQLREPORT name="My Report" style="border: 2px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 6px;" /]

The below example is a Report that I make to see the effect that Google’s SSL Search has been having on my Keyword Data. I broke it down by Locale so that I could see the differences between the use of as compared to the other country codes.

EZ SQL Reports Shortcode Widget and DB Backup – WordPress plugin |