New Backup Plugin for WordPress

I just finished this new Backup Plugin for WordPress. It started from a spin-off features I’ve added to my SQL Reports Plugin. I have really dialed in all the important aspects of a database backup in this new plugin and not going to stop there. I have plans to add more backup options soon.

Spanish translation added in last release

Thanks to Andrew Kurtis of my plugin has now been translated into Spanish of by Jelena Kovacevic. The new language files were tested and packaged in the last release. Now, if you have WPLANG defined as ‘es_ES’ in your wp-config.php file then the Anti-Malware Settings and Scan pages will be output en Español :-)

I’m also thinking of creating a facebook page for my plugin to get more feedback and collaboration form my users. Have some big ideas I would like share and get some help with to move this plugin forward. Leave a comment here and let me know what you think. Would you follow me on facebook? comment, Yes or No.

Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall – WordPress plugin |

Added automated database backups to my SQL plugin

I just released a major update for my SQL Reports plugin. The new version, 3.06.14, has a lot of exciting new features like automatic scheduled backups of your database, and the ability to save archives of your DB and have them emailed to you. You can also retore these backups directly into your native WP DB or to an external database. The plugin uses the WordPress CRON API to schedule hourly and/or daily DB backups.

I also added a quick and easy shortcode for displaying a single variable from an SQL query. Just wrap your SQL query in the sqlgetvar short code like this:
This SQL Query has not been allowed by an Administrator.

Have fun with these new features and let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions for improvements.

EZ SQL Reports Shortcode Widget and DB Backup – WordPress plugin |

I added a shortcode for preg_replace to my SHORTcURL Plugin

Now, with a shortcode for the single most powerful PHP function there is (preg_replace), I dare to imagine that there is nothing that this simple plugin cannot do.

If you know what this amazing function, preg_replace, is capable of then put it to the test.

Here is an example of the syntax for the new new shortcode that calls preg_replace:

[preg_replace replace=”/to be searched/” with=”I replaced”]<li>The content to be searched</li>[/preg_replace]

and this is what you get:

  • The content I replaced

  • EZ SHORTCURL Shortcodes to Fetch and Parse External Content – WordPress plugin |

    Added the ability to Move comments and modify Karma

    I released an update to this Comment Testimonials plugin that makes it easy to manually change the Comment Karma from the main comments section in your WordPress Admin.

    You can also move comments, from the page or post that they were made on, to any page or post you want them to be on.

    EZ Anti-Spam Comments and Testimonials Widget – WordPress plugin |

    My new Plugin for making cURL calls

    I created this plugin that uses a shortcode to call wp_remote_get with parameters you pass to parsed and display a bit of HTML from a page on another site. You can include this shortcode in your page or post.

    Here is an example of the shortcode that will display the Download Stats page for this Plugin on
    [remote_get url="" start='&lt;div class="entry-meta"' stop='!-- .entry-meta --' length="-1"].
    and this is what you get:

    EZ SHORTCURL Shortcodes to Fetch and Parse External Content – WordPress plugin |

    Defend Internet Privacy

    Internet freedom needs a global network behind it. has launched The Internet Defense League. Now you can defend the net by broadcasting action messages on your own sites using this widget. You can also tell the world that you are a member of the league by displaying one of the IDL badges hosted by

    Defend Internet Privacy Widget – WordPress plugin |

    Display Name If No Gravatar

    I created a new Plugin for WordPress that uses to generate an image of the user’s display_name if they do not yet have a Gravatar. This Plugin replaces the get_avatar function in pluggable.php to pass an alternate image to to use if they do not yet have a gravatar.

    Comment on this post with an email address that you have not setup a gravatar on and see how it woks.

    Display Name If No Gravatar – WordPress plugin |