Shortcode Support Added to SQL Reports

I added a shortcode to my SQL Reports Plugin so you can put a report you’ve created into a Page or Post. Just use the shortcode “SQLREPORT” with the attribute “name” being the name or your desired report. Like this:
[SQLREPORT name="My Report" style="border: 2px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 6px;" /]

The below example is a Report that I make to see the effect that Google’s SSL Search has been having on my Keyword Data. I broke it down by Locale so that I could see the differences between the use of as compared to the other country codes.

Google announced that signed-in users will, by default, be routed to the SSL version of Google Search

In October of 2011 Google announced that signed-in users will, by default, be routed to the SSL version of Google Search (

What is the impact of this change for webmasters?
A web site accessed through organic search results on (non-SSL) can see both that the user came from and their search query.
However, for organic search results on Google’s SSL search, a web site will only know that the user came from

This is bad news for anyone who wants to know what keywords were used to find their site on Goggle.

Over two thirds (69%) of my Google Analytics Keywords now show up as “(not provided)”. This completely cripples my ability to tell how people are finding my site.

Here is a good video I found on SEOmoz that goes into more details and explains how it works:


XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress

I used to use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin by Arne Brachhold for SEO. Then a friend got me to try out WordPress SEO By Joost de Valk and it seemed like a good SEO tool until I noticed today that it had duplicated my site name in the HTML header’s TITLE tag. After not finding any easy way to turn off that “feature” I just disabled the plugin and switched back to the Google XML Sitemaps plugin I used before. I works well and has all the features in need, plus it’s easy to configure, easy to use, has really good support documentation.

the Google XML Sitemaps plugin